Intro to UK Tax (with Blick Rothenberg)

Albert Einstein famously said, “the hardest thing in the world to understand is income tax.” If even a genius finds this stuff mind-boggling, you can be sure you’re not alone. But taxes are inevitable (unless you’re a self-sufficient hermit living off-grid), so it’s worth having an idea of what you pay, where it all goes and how you can best make use of your annual tax allowances.

Join Nimesh Shah, CEO of tax and accounting firm Blick Rothenberg, Jonathan Barratt, Manager at Blick Rothenberg, and Dan Marsh, VP of Corporate Development at Octopus Money, to break it all down for you ahead of the end of the UK tax year.

This is your chance to ask an expert all your tax-related questions!

What we’ll cover:

  • How much tax we really pay (and where it goes!)
  • Basic tax principles 
  • What to think about when planning your taxes 

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